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Massive Bio Partners With Mika Health, Inocras on Personalized Oncology Support

NEW YORK – Personalized oncology solution firm Massive Bio said this week that it has inked separate partnerships with oncology digital therapeutic company Mika Health and whole-genome testing provider Inocras to expand patient access to psycho-oncology services, next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing, and clinical trials.

Financial terms of the deals were not disclosed.

Under the collaboration with Mika Health, patients receiving treatment on Mika's personalized oncology digital therapeutic platform will be able to opt into Massive Bio's AI-driven clinical trial matching and NGS biomarker testing eligibility engine.

Meanwhile, Massive Bio will make Mika's digital therapy platform available to their cancer patients, offering free access to digital psycho-oncology services to treat cancer-related fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

"By combining our AI expertise with Mika Health's comprehensive Digital Therapy, we can significantly enhance cancer patient outcomes and experiences with the expanded access to innovative therapies and direly needed patient support," Selin Kurnaz, cofounder and CEO of Massive Bio, said in a statement. "This collaboration not only addresses the immediate needs of patients but also bridges critical gaps in mental and physical health care during their treatment journey."

For Massive Bio's partnership with Inocras, the companies will leverage whole-genome sequencing and analysis to provide greater molecular insights and augment clinical trial matching for patients. 

"The combination of these two technologies will pave the way for patients to be informed of future clinical trials for which they may be a match without the need for additional genetic tests, courtesy of the expansive nature of the whole-genome data," Massive Bio said in a statement.