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Owkin Digital Pathology Algorithms for Colorectal, Breast Cancer Receive CE Mark

NEW YORK – Artificial intelligence company Owkin announced on Friday that two of its digital pathology tests for breast and colorectal cancer have received CE marking.

The Owkin Dx RlapsRisk BC test predicts the risk that early breast cancer patients will relapse after treatment, providing information on which high-risk patients may benefit from targeted therapies and which low-risk patients could possibly avoid chemotherapy, the French-American company said in a statement. RlapsRisk BC was developed with Institut Gustave Roussy in Paris, the firm added.

The MSIntuit CRC test is for prescreening for microsatellite instability (MSI), ruling out microsatellite stable phenotypes and "allowing pathologists to concentrate their resources on confirming those patients who exhibit MSI," the company said.

Both products use artificial intelligence to analyze digital pathology data.