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Oncodesign Precision Medicine, Navigo Proteins Partner to Develop Radiotheranostics

NEW YORK – Oncodesign Precision Medicine and Navigo Proteins on Wednesday said they signed a collaboration agreement to develop new systemic radiotheranostic agents.

Under the terms of the agreement, the companies will initially research two oncology targets in resistant and metastatic digestive tumors and develop drug candidates with the potential for expansion to additional targets. Oncodesign will be responsible for funding the program for the next three years.

Dijon, France-based Oncodesign will develop the drug candidates using an artificial intelligence platform to select and validate new therapeutic cancer targets discovered using its Promethe technology for design and selection of radiolabeled biological molecules. Halle, Germany-based Navigo will contribute its Affilins biological targeting molecule technology to the collaboration. Affilins are small proteins derived from ubiquitin and bind selectively to a target surface antigen, similar to an antibody. However, Affilins are resistant to proteases, acids, and bases and are highly thermostable, making them amenable for radiolabeling.

"Our alliance with [Oncodesign] underscores the synergy between our strengths and expertise, aiming to deliver innovative solutions that benefit patients worldwide," Navigo CEO Henning Afflerbach said in a statement.