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Illinois Legislature Passes Cancer Patient Bill of Rights

NEW YORK – The Illinois House of Representatives this month passed the Illinois Cancer Patients Bill of Rights, supporting their ability to access emerging treatments, timely care, and multidisciplinary supportive care.

The resolution, which passed unanimously, was led by state Rep. Marcus Evans, City of Hope, and a coalition of cancer-focused organizations including American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network in Illinois, Susan G. Komen of Greater Chicago, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Illinois, American Lung Association in Illinois, National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, Cancer Wellness Center, National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), and Gilda’s Club Chicago, an affiliate of Cancer Support Community.

The Cancer Patients Bill of Rights codifies Illinoisan cancer patients' right to access treatment and understand their diagnosis. The bill calls for giving patients the right to access specialized expertise and emerging treatments for their specific type of cancer, including precision medicine and genomic therapies; emerging therapies informed by the latest cancer research through relevant early-stage and late-stage clinical trials; and multidisciplinary supportive care while undergoing treatment.

The bill also states that patients have the right to receive timely cancer care in their communities, fully understand their diagnoses, and be informed about their treatment options in culturally appropriate and understandable languages.

"Early diagnosis, effective treatment, and advanced subspecialty care are essential if there is to be any progress made in turning these [cancer mortality] statistics around," Ally Lopshire, government relations manager at the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, said in a statement. "The Illinois Cancer Patients Bill of Rights marks a crucial first step toward achieving more equitable and effective cancer care for all Illinois residents."

In 2022, California lawmakers passed a similar bill to ensure access to emerging therapies, specialized cancer centers and experts, and understandable information about their diagnosis for California cancer patients enrolled in Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program.