UK Biobank
Data from Myriad Genetics offered early validation evidence for an expanded version of its commercial test, as well as a look into clinical impact via claims data.
Biobanks have been making strides in gathering data from more diverse populations this year while the evidence for the clinical utility of embryo PRS testing remains insufficient.
Population Genetic Screening Would Reveal Patients With Underdiagnosed Disorders, Study Suggests
Researchers developed a data-driven, genomics-first strategy for empirically determining which genes to select for population screening efforts.
Combination of Polygenic, Social, Clinical Factors Improve Prediction of Heart Disease Risk
A model of these three measures improved heart disease risk predictions over any one measure, researchers reported at the American College of Cardiology meeting.
Breast Cancer Risk Genes Unearthed in Exome Sequence Meta-Analysis
Researchers tracked down a handful of previously unappreciated susceptibility genes using exome sequences for more than 244,000 European women with or without breast cancer.