Mayo Clinic
Data from Myriad Genetics offered early validation evidence for an expanded version of its commercial test, as well as a look into clinical impact via claims data.
Solid Biosciences Inks Deal With Mayo Clinic to Develop Cardiac Gene Therapies
The Mayo Clinic will be responsible for R&D through IND-enabling studies, and Solid will have the option to pursue continued development.
In a first-of-its-kind trial, physicians will review neurofilament test results with patients and decide whether to continue giving them an experimental drug.
Genomadix, Mayo Clinic Partner on CYP2C19 Testing for Remote Care For Stroke Patients
The partnership is intended to help expand adoption of the company's rapid PCR system in sites that treat stroke patients, including through telemedicine platforms.
As drugmakers take lessons from oncology in developing CAR T cells for other diseases, they must contend with risks that patients outside of cancer may not accept.