Cancer Centers Look to New NGS-Based 'Frankenpanel' to Get Fast Info on Clinically Actionable Genes
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is among the first healthcare systems to implement the rapid sequencing assay, which can consolidate single-gene tests.
GenieUs Genomics Aims to Stratify ALS Patients Using Bioinformatics Platform, Long-Read Sequencing
The Australian firm seeks to validate its DiGAP platform in a clinical study by categorizing ALS patients according to their most affected biological pathways.
The researchers built on prior work on a prognostic model of overall survival that relied only on clinical factors.
The firm is commercializing an instrument to more easily, directly, and quickly measure cell therapy potency with the help of a recent SBIR grant.
BostonGene, Duke University School of Medicine Strike Cancer Research Alliance
The partners plan to collaborate on research projects across a range of cancers with the goal of improving patient responses to treatment.