Genetic Research
News on genome-wide association studies, genotyping, metagenomics, basic research in genetics, genomics, and molecular diagnostics.
Precision Medicine Supporters Worry About NIH Indirect Rate Cut's Impact on Advances, Workforce
Researchers have been "making great inroads" in precision medicine, and a 15 percent cap on indirect costs could quash the momentum, experts worry.
In OurHealth Study, Researchers Seek Genetic Underpinnings of Cardiovascular Disease in South Asians
Researchers from the Broad Institute, Mass General, Stanford, and elsewhere are investigating why patients with South Asian ancestry are at increased risk.
New European Project to Fund PGx for Personalized Medicine Research With €36.5M
Earlier this week, EP PerMed issued its second joint transnational call for proposals for the PGxPM2025 project involving 35 funding organizations.
Genetic Variant in South American Indigenous Population Linked to Better Blood Cancer Drug Response
The variant, present in the NFKB1 gene and common in the Aymara community, could help guide treatment decisions, researchers reported at ASH.
Biobanks have been making strides in gathering data from more diverse populations this year while the evidence for the clinical utility of embryo PRS testing remains insufficient.