Lynch syndrome
Transgender Patients With Hereditary Cancer Risk Variants Benefit From Individualized Approach
Doctors are using limited guidance on screening and treatment approaches for transgender patients predisposed to cancer while considering patient preferences and treatment goals.
In a trial of 23 Lynch syndrome patients, those who received the vaccine and developed neoantigen-specific T cells had a higher chance of remaining disease-free over 10 years.
Genetic Testing Challenges in Oncology: Lynch Syndrome Variant in Patient Lacking Family History
An unexpected, deleterious MSH6 variant was found in a patient seeking preimplantation genetic testing due to relatives with cancer and a familial BRCA2 variant.
Genetic Testing Challenges in Oncology: Full Family History Helps ID Lynch Syndrome Founder Variant
In a family with a known cancer variant, genetics experts are proficient in determining whether single-site testing or panel testing is more appropriate.
The Swiss biotech is developing a personalized neoantigen vaccine and working with the NCI to test the ability of an off-the-shelf vaccine to prevent cancer in those with Lynch syndrome.