hereditary cancer
Their study showed that DCIS patients with pathogenic variants in BRCA1/2 and PALB2 had a higher risk of developing invasive breast cancer than those without.
Risk-Reducing Surgery Improves Outcomes for Young Patients With BRCA1/2-Mutant Breast Cancer
A global study showed breast cancer patients who underwent preventive surgeries had lower mortality and cancer recurrence risks than those who didn't.
BRCA1/2 Mutations Aren't Equal: Researchers Push for Reduced Penetrance Pathogenic Variant Category
Researchers worked with two labs to identify 16 consensus lower-risk pathogenic variants and are pushing for greater recognition of such variants.
NCCN Adds Prostate Cancer to Genetic Risk Assessment Guidelines
The NCCN also recently updated genetic risk guidelines for colorectal, endometrial, and gastric cancers.
When doctors and other types of providers provide pretest genetic testing education to patients, it allows Clearview's genetic counselors to see more complex cases.