Bio-Rad, Allegheny Health Network Partner for ddPCR-Based Cancer Monitoring
The collaboration will use Bio-Rad's Droplet Digital PCR technology to gather clinical data for solid tumor MRD monitoring using AHN's patient samples.
New data has demonstrated that DNA fragment size differences that discriminate preeclampsia from healthy controls can be detected using a lower-cost PCR method.
Circulating Tumor DNA Provides Prognostic Clues in Advanced BRAF-Mutated Melanoma Cases
Using the BRAF-V600 tumor mutation as a marker, investigators identified pre-treatment and on-treatment ties between ctDNA and patient outcomes.
Circulating Tumor DNA Dynamics May Hold Hints to Immunotherapy Response, Pseudoprogression
Investigators using droplet digital PCR methods are following cell-free tumor DNA in the blood, looking for patterns coinciding with immunotherapy treatment outcomes.