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MotivHealth to Offer DecisionRx Platform to Inform Prescribing With PGx, Clinical Pharmacists

NEW YORK – MotivHealth, a provider of health savings account (HSA)-based insurance plans in Utah, has struck a partnership with health-tech company DecisionRx to give certain plan members access to medication therapy optimization services.

MotivHealth will offer select members access to the program, which seeks to reduce trial-and-error prescribing, the companies said last week.

DecisionRx said its services help to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs by providing access to the company's clinical pharmacists who use data tools and pharmacogenomics to inform the guidance and recommendations they give to physicians to identify appropriate medication regimens for each patient.

"We know that the cost of healthcare is a significant burden for both patients and employers, and programs like this partnership with DecisionRx can reduce that burden by promoting smarter and more personalized care," MotivHealth CEO Dave Hall said in a statement.