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Anuva, Max Healthcare Conducting Genomics Research to Advance Precision Medicine

NEW YORK – Anuva and Max Healthcare have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to conduct genomics-based research with the goal of advancing precision medicines for cancer and other communicable and noncommunicable diseases in India.

Singapore-headquartered Anuva is building a repository of genomic data and biospecimens representing more than 4,500 ethnicities in the Asian population for drug development purposes. The company hopes to mine the knowledge in its biorepository to better understand the genomic underpinnings of the diseases affecting Asians and identify novel targets for personalized drug development.

Over the five-year MoU period, the two organizations will conduct research to advance precision medicine applications for breast and lung cancer but also for non-cancer indications such as diabetes, cardiac and kidney diseases, and drug-resistant tuberculosis.

At Max's clinical centers, researchers will collect data and samples from people who have consented to partake in this research. Max, a healthcare services company in India, will also lend its clinical research and diagnostics expertise for the project.

Sandeep Budhiraja, group medical director at Max, said in a statement that there is a lot yet to be discovered about how people's genetics and lifestyle contribute to the development of disease. "With the coming of precision medicine and genomics, it has the potential to provide efficient solutions and transform the way we look at modern medicine today," Budhiraja said.

Anuva and Max's collaboration will also provide opportunities for scientists, epidemiologists, and other experts to share knowledge. The partners will explore opportunities for joint training, fellowships, exchange programs, and technology transfer in the area of biomedical science and public health.