Madeleine Johnson
Madeleine covers PCR, nucleic acid amplification, and sample prep technologies for GenomeWeb and 360Dx.
Articles Authored by Madeleine Johnson
Dec 7, 2023
The firm is offering molecular diagnostic testing and clinical trial services to bridge knowledge gaps and increase access to personalized care locally.
Apr 19, 2023
The firm is seeing the fruit of a two-year investment in transitioning from a research lab to a clinical focus.
Oct 17, 2017
The recent study highlights strengths and weaknesses of numerous platforms and may help end users choose the best assay for their circumstances.
Feb 16, 2017
Head-to-Head Comparison of BRAF Assays Yields Clues About Ideal Use in Guiding Melanoma Therapy
The study compared five methods, including three based on Roche test kits and reagents, and suggested that a multiplexed test may be best to avoid false-negative results.