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SEngine Precision Medicine, Atomwise Partner on Personalized Cancer Drug Development

NEW YORK — SEngine Precision Medicine and Atomwise announced today that they have partnered to develop new personalized treatments for cancer.

Under the alliance, San Francisco-based Atomwise will use its artificial intelligence technology to discover and develop small molecule inhibitors against gene targets, provided by SEngine, essential for cancer cell growth.

Seattle-based SEngine will validate the inhibitors using its PARIS test, which combines high-throughput drug screening of live, patient-derived tumor cells with DNA sequencing and data analysis. Atomwise will then use its AI technology to optimize potential drug candidates, the companies said.

Further terms of the alliance were not disclosed.

"The combined capabilities of this collaboration create a model for the next generation of drug discovery to decrease time to market and lower the cost of clinical trials," SEngine Founder and CEO Carla Grandori said in a statement. "The process from discovering a promising small molecule to validation for a clinical trial candidate may now be accomplished at a fraction of the cost and time required of current efforts, which may take up to 10 years."